Monthly Trends

Real Estate Sold in Tobacco Valley Montana

Tobacco Valley Montana Homes Sold

Homes Sold in Tobacco Valley Montana . Land Sold in Tobacco Valley Montana . Luxury Homes Sold in Tobacco Valley Montana .

Includes Data for Tobacco Valley, Eureka, Rexford, Fortine, Stryker, Trego

The following table shows the number of properties sold during the period listed. Count is the number of properties sold. Min, Max, Avg, and Median are the lowest, highest, average, and median price of the transactions within the time period. Total is the total amount of the transactions within the time period.

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The information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. This information is updated daily from information available to members of the Northwest Montana Association of Realtors® (NMAR). Information is only as current as the information provided by NMAR members.

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